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Plant Sensations c/o Kernock Park Plants Ltd, Pillaton, Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 6RY, United Kingdom.

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Holcus 'Albovariegatus'

Holcus 'Albovariegatus'

(All Plants) 

Price: £20.99 (Including VAT at 20%)

Hosta Shadowland 'Coast to Coast' (P)

Hosta Shadowland 'Coast to Coast' (P)

(All Plants) 

Price: £38.48 (Including VAT at 20%)

Hosta Shadowland 'Miss America' (P)

Hosta Shadowland 'Miss America' (P)

(All Plants) 

Price: £38.48 (Including VAT at 20%)

Hosta Shadowland 'Voices in the Wind' (P)

Hosta Shadowland 'Voices in the Wind' (P)

(All Plants) 

Price: £38.48 (Including VAT at 20%)

Hyssopus officinalis 'Blue' (Hyssop, Blue)

Hyssopus officinalis 'Blue' (Hyssop, Blue)

(All Plants) 

Price: £9.99

Iberis 'Masterpiece' (P)

Iberis 'Masterpiece' (P)

(All Plants) 

Price: £13.49 (Including VAT at 20%)

Iberis 'Pink Ice' (VR)

Iberis 'Pink Ice' (VR)

(All Plants) 

Price: £13.49 (Including VAT at 20%)

Ipomoea Sweet Heart 'Jet Black' (P)

Ipomoea Sweet Heart 'Jet Black' (P)

(All Plants) 

Price: £20.48 (Including VAT at 20%)

Isotoma 'Fairy Carpet'

Isotoma 'Fairy Carpet'

(All Plants) 

Price: £11.99 (Including VAT at 20%)

Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 'Bronze Sculpture'

Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 'Bronze Sculpture'

(All Plants) 

Price: £32.48 (Including VAT at 20%)

Kniphofia 'Banana Popsicle' (P)

Kniphofia 'Banana Popsicle' (P)

(All Plants) 

Price: £34.99 (Including VAT at 20%)

Kniphofia 'Happy Halloween' (P)

Kniphofia 'Happy Halloween' (P)

(All Plants) 

Price: £40.99 (Including VAT at 20%)

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